01 January 2008

2007: in case you were wondering

Year-end total: 224,200 words, including two complete drafts of an 80,000 (ish) word novel and almost 40,000 words of another novel, plus various sundries (a couple of short stories, part of a play, some blog entries, some freelance writing, at least one poem, and some travel essays). Not included in the count are the 25 or so recipes I posted here.

I also drew 107 comics (with 105 of those seeing publication on the online).

In case you're having trouble reading it, the black bars are words per day (counted in the blue numbers on the right), the yellow counts the total words to date (counted in the black numbers on the left), and the blue line is a moving average (I think 15 days, but maybe 30, I'm not sure, and Quattro just froze again, so I can't tell you).

I'm not really an optimist, and the best I can say is probably things won't get much worse this coming year. But Happy New Year anyway.

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