01 January 2006


I wasn't ever ever ever going to do this, but then one day I realized that I enjoy reading a little background information about the people behind blogs I often visit. And as I do get a fair number of random hits from those who don't know me, I thought it might be worthwhile to kludge something together.

Who are you?

Em is fine. I'm a writer and freelance philosopher currently living in Wisconsin, where I do a lot of things including cooking, running, karate, writing, over-thinking things, and drawing comics.

That's not a picture of you at the top, is it?

Well spotted. That's a picture I took in Singapore.

You don't talk much about yourself on here. Why is that?

Like many writers I have the distinct sense that, as Stephen King put it, when I open my mouth, my guts fall out. Add that to the feeling that my life wouldn't be of particular interest to anyone else, and you get one tongue-tied blogger. I'm not saying my life isn't interesting, mind, but do you really want to read about the time my cat threw up on top of the refrigerator? I didn't even want to have lived through that, let alone have to relive it here.

Are you really a writer?

Why yes, yes I am. I have written three and a half novels, and I do freelance work. If you are an agent or publisher interested in my novel, please email me at ehlupton(AT)gmail(DOT)com.

I am strangely intrigued by your writing here. Where can I find more of it?

I write and draw a comic, called "Em oi!", which can be found here. I also occasionally post book reviews to GoodReads.com.

My goodness me, this is exciting. I wish to communicate with you!

Well, feel free to leave a comment here on the blog, or email me at the address above.

Do you care to say a few words about your recipes?

I look at a recipe as a framework to improvise around, much the way a jazz musician might view a scale. I often cook while exceedingly hungry (i.e., post-workout) or with limited ingredients, so I tend to make changes and/or cut corners.

My recipes are all vegetarian (some are vegan, or can be easily veganized), and tend to be low fat and low calorie. I don't like cooking with eggs all that much, and I don't use a ton of oil. My diet is primarily fruits and vegetables, with some whole grains and dairy thrown in. I've been a vegetarian for nearly twelve years now, and I think the way I eat is pretty awesome. I also tend to cook Asian or "pan-Asian" dishes, since I've spent a lot of time living in and traveling around the area and I like the food a lot. Also, I tend to like things spicy. Fair warning.

If you have any comments about recipes, feel free to post them or email me.